Friday, August 29, 2008

Do I Love Me???

Are you struggling with fitting in to this present time?

Questioning your very existence?

It seems like we are faced with a time of great decision.

Nothing is as it was, nor should it ever be again.

Our world teeters on the edge of being polar opposite of its intention.

Man has tried to play God, only to create a false image of what is truly real.

The basics of life ( food, shelter, water, clothing)have become a commodity for profit.

Good health practices treated as abnormal.

Morality as sinful nature.

Meditate on the following questions, see where it may lead you.

How do we rise above the falsehood of the ways of this world, or do we even want to?

Personal responsibility is the key, do we dare open that door?

What will we have to release in order to pursue the Truth?

A life lived in Truth and Love is the way we will get on the path that leads to happiness and joy.

Where do we begin?

Is there a standard that we could live by that would be equally possible for all mankind?

If there is, would we be willing to pursue it?

One scripture comes to mind:

Luke 10:27

27He answered:

" 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul

and with all your strength and with all your mind';
and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself."

Can we get to point where we love so much that we hate no one?

Can we realize our oneness?

Can we let go of our personal dramas and see the needs of others?

What does love mean anyway?

Divine Essence working in us and through us.

Can we give what we don't have?

Can we get what we need to give? if so by what means?

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